New Apostolic Church

East Africa

History of the work of God in Kenya

Kenya is a country in East Africa with a coastline on the Indian Ocean. The capital city of Kenya is Nairobi. The current President is Uhuru Kenyatta. The Equator cuts Kenya's territory into two halves North and South. The total area is approximately 581,309 Km2. Kenya is home to Lake Victoria, Lake Turkana and the Tsavo National Park. It is located North of Tanzania, East of Uganda and South East of South Sudan. The population of Kenya is approximately 48 million people. 85% of the population are Christians, 12%, Muslims, 3% others.


The first contacts for New Apostolic Church in Kenya date back to 1970 when some Kenyan students studying in Germany began attending services of the New Apostolic Church as guests. Some of them believed and were baptized and sealed with the Holy Spirit. The first of these guests to be sealed was Francis Muinde who was sealed in November 1971 by District Apostle Gottfried Rockenfelder. Other early guests were Victor Bwire who at the time was Director of Kenyan Travel Bureau in Germany. His wife was baptized in Germany before they returned to Kenya. Through these contacts, District Apostle Rockenfelder was able to send missionaries for the first missionary trip to Kenya in March 1972. Shepherd Groβ and his brother Sub deacon Werner Groβ visited Kenya for six days and conducted a meeting in a Nairobi hotel, testified in Nairobi and conducted a divine service in Kakamega at the home of Roland Mwinamo. Shephered Groβ also baptized the newly born son of the Bwire family-Newton Bwire.

God seemed to have arranged things differently. In October 1972, Chief Apostle Schmidt transferred the missionary country of Kenya to Canada District Apostle District. District Apostle Kraus had toured the Kenyan coast of Mombasa and was impressed to see many Indians along the coast. He was impressed because he was already doing missionary work in India and he was prompted to send District Elder Bower from India for the missionary work in Kenya. District Elder Bower (Later Apostle) arrived in Mombasa from India and testified to Daniel Mutinda, Jeremiah Njeru and Hezekiah Okuku. The three brothers were key contacts for spreading the New Apostolic Faith in the interior of Kenya: Daniel Mutinda–Kitui, and Jeremiah Njeru–Embu, Hezekiah Okuku-Kisumu.

Between 1973 and 1975, seminars and services were conducted in various places in Kenya by Apostle Wilbert Vovak (USA), Evangelist John Eckhardt (Canada), District Evangelist Smith (Canada) and Evangelist Harold Eckhardt (Canada). Printed materials were distributed to introduce the faith together with gifts of clothing donated by brothers and sisters in Canada and USA. Few baptisms and Holy sealing were performed as the work of God begun to take shape.

In October 1976, Apostle W. Vovak camped in Kenya for 21 days visiting  7 provinces of Kenya. He conducted 71 divine services where he served 11,756 souls. In these divine services 5,715 souls were sealed with the Holy Spirit; 3,088 adults and 2,627 children.

By the end of 1976 the total number of sealed souls was 10,249. This resulted in the administrative reorganization of the church in Kenya. The country was organized into two District Evangelist districts namely Kenya East under District Evangelist Barnabas Njau assisted by 9 Evangelists in 10 sub districts and Kenya West under District Evangelist Eliud Mutinda. He was assisted by 5 Evangelists in 11 sub districts. Some of the administration brothers were: - Evangelist Samson Ogutu, Evangelist David Kariuki, Evangelist Josphat Ndwiga Njau, Evangelist Joseph Kamau, Evangelist Jeremiah Njeru, Priest James Amayo (Rector–Kendu Bay District), Evangelist David Mutava, Evangelist Simon Anokoli, Priest Job Njenge (Rector–Nairobi District)  and Priest Francis Mararo (Rector–Mombasa District)


The Overall leadership of the New Apostolic Church in Kenya was placed under the District Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya since 19th April 2015. The Lead Apostles are the closest co‐workers of the District Apostle. Kenya has a total of 19 Apostles and 27 Bishops. Five of the Apostles are Lead Apostles. The total membership is approximately 426,277 and is served by  7,317 ministers in  3,463 congregations. Majority of the members are children and youth.


The country office of the New Apostolic Church in Kenya is located in South C, Nairobi. The office also doubles up as the office of the District Apostle and Head office of the East Africa District Apostle District. The office employees provide administrative services to the Apostles and Rectors of districts and congregations. The main tasks of the country office include:-

  • Organization of special events and divine services
  • Construction, monitoring and maintenance of church property
  • Bookkeeping and controlling administration of membership data
  • Coordination of church activities and public relations work
  • Linking the other East Africa country offices to New Apostolic Church International.
  • Organizing Chief Apostle Visits in the District.
  • Oversight role for East Africa District churches.


1972 District Apostle Rockenfelder send missionaries for the first missionary trip to Kenya in March 1972. Shepherd Groβ and his brother Sub deacon Werner Groβ visited Kenya for six days from 16th-22ndMarch 1972. They conducted a meeting in a Nairobi hotel, testified in Nairobi area and conducted a divine service in Kakamega at the home of Roland Mwinamo. Shephered Groβ also baptized the newly born son of the Bwire family-Newton Bwire. District Elder Bower (later Apostle) arrived in Mombasa from India and testified to Daniel Mutinda, Jeremiah Njeru and Hezekiah Okuku. The three brothers were very instrumental in spreading the New Apostolic Faith in the interior of Kenya. Daniel Mutinda–Kitui, and Jeremiah Njeru–Embu, Hezekiah Okuku-Kisumu
1973 Daniel Mutinda took District Elder Bawer to Ikanga, Kitui-his home area in order to establish a congregation there. Aineah Kibii who was working with Indians in Mombasa visited his brother in law Simon Anokoli in Nairobi and testified to him of the new faith. Aineah initiated a meeting for the District Apostle Kraus at the home of Simon Anokoli in Ngong, Nairobi. Many people from different denominations were invited. The history of New Apostolic faith was introduced and written materials were handed out at the meeting.
1974 District Elder Wilbert Vovak (later Apostle) adopted 16 brothers into the New Apostolic faith at theSix-Eighty Hotel in Nairobi. Among the brothers were; Joseph Njau, Josphat Njau, Barnabas Njau, Joel Mutava, David Mutava, Julius Mutinda and Daniel Munyoki.A strategy was laid on reaching out to the locals. Some ministers went to Mwingi, others into Embu and others in Nairobi to establish congregations there. In Nairobi they established a congregation at Makadara. From here Priests Gilbert Manyara and Jeremiah Njeru took the Lord’s work to Embu and established congregations at Kivuti and Mdindiri. Simon Anokoli relocated from Nairobi to Ebuyangu in Western Kenya to establish a congregation.
1975 District Evangelist Smith held a seminar at Isaac Walton Inn in Embu where he taught about NAC faith and prepared the brothers for the visit of an Apostle in the area. Apostle Wilbert Vovak conducted several divine services in Eastern Kenya and ordained several ministers. Evangelist Hezekiah Okuku who had met with the missionaries in Mombasa and joined the New Apostolic Church travelled to his home area in Kisumu, where he met Samson Ogutu (Later Apostle). Samson turned to be very instrumental in spreading of the gospel in the area. New Apostolic Church experienced massive growth in the areas of Nairobi, Embu, Mwingi, Mombasa, Nyanza and Western Kenya.
1976 District Evangelist Smith and Evangelist John Ekhardt had a seminar at New Kisumu Hotel in February 1976. They taught about the sacraments and the Apostle ministry. The people were very interested to meet an Apostle and to be sealed with the Holy Spirit. Among the attendees were Samson Ogutu (Later an Apostle), and Simon Anokoli (Later an Apostle). New impetus was given to the Lord’s work in Nairobi through the ordination of Joseph Kamau Njau as an Evangelist. Seven congregations were established which included; Maringo, Dandora, Mbotela, Ngei II, Mathare and Kibera. In May 1976, Apostle Vovak visited Kakelo congregation. He conducted a holy sealing divine service where he sealed many souls and ordained several brothers. Samson Ogutu, Joash Onyimi and Thomas Masala were ordained into Priest ministry. Apostle Vovak camped in Kenya for 21 days in October 1976 visiting 7 provinces in Kenya. He conducted 71 divine services where he served 11,756 souls. In these divine services 5,715 souls were sealed with the Holy Spirit; 3,088 adults and 2627 children.
1978 David Kariuki was ordained as the first local apostle for Kenya on 19 February 1978 in Switzerland by Chief Apostle Ernst Streckeisen. He was to assist the Apostle Wilbert Vovak. He died on 23rdDecember 1981 in a road accident.
1979 Simon Anokoli Ambuka and Samson Ogutu were ordained as Apostles on 11 February 1979 in Switzerland by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler.
1980 From 11 - 16 January 1980, Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler visited Kenya. This was the first time the country experienced and saw a Chief Apostle. On January, 13, the Chief Apostle conducted a Divine service at Kangaru- Embu where he dedicated the newly completed church building. In the evening he visited members at Mutugu congregation. He held a short Divine service for the brothers and sisters in the village church.
1982 Daniel Njuguna was ordained as an Apostle on 12 September 1982 in Berlin, Germany by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler.
1983 Joseph Kamau Ngugi and Ishmael Ojuka were ordained as Apostles on 04 December 1983 in Saarbrucken, Germany by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler.
1985 Daniel Khayanje was ordained as an apostle on 01 January 1985 in Netherlands by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler.
1986 Angelus Kibagara, Nathaniel Thali and James Oloo Omondi were ordained as Apostles on 08 June 1986 in Kitchener, Canada by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler.
1988 Fanuel Nono Ombok was ordained as an Apostle on 24 January 1988 in Hamburg, Germany by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler. John Muisyo Mbiti and Patrick Mutunga Mutava were ordained as Apostles on 18 September 1988 in Bern, Switzerland by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
1989 Thomas Sulubu Ngowa was ordained as an Apostle on 03 December 1989 in Zaire (Present DRC) by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
1990 On 17 June 1990, District Apostle Michael Kraus visited Kenya and dedicated the South C church building and the Administration office for Kenya. Chief Apostle Fehr visited Kenya from 23 – 26 June 1990 and on 24 June he conducted a divine service at the South C church. On 25 June the Chief Apostle Fehr together with the apostles and their wives visited the congregations of Mwana Wikio and Marengeta and prayed with the members.
1991 Chrispin Kinyua, Francis Kamunyu Njuguna and John Otuma were ordained as Apostles on 25 August 1991 in Holland by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
1994 Jackson Kahindi Kadenge was ordained as an apostle on 17 April 1994 in Detroit, USA by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
1995 Patrick Leonard Gambo Janga was ordained as an Apostle on 20 August 1995 in Kampala, Uganda by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
1996 AmosDick Mugera was ordained as an Apostle on 21 January 1996 in Berlin by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr. In May 1996, Chief Apostle Richard Fehr visited Kenya for the second time and celebrated thePentecost Servicein the South “C” congregation in Nairobi. He was accompanied by 260 Apostles. He also conducted a meeting of all the apostles. This was the first time an International Apostle’s Meeting was taking place on the African continent. The Pentecost Service was also the first International live transmission of a New Apostolic divine service from Africa.
1997 Richard Otieno Madanje, Jonathan Muthui Mutua, Francis Charo Kazungu King'ura and Daniel Otumba Okeno were ordained as Apostles on 10 August 1997 in Cotonou, Benin by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
2001 On 28 January 2001, Chief Apostle Fehr visited Kenya for the second time. He ordained 9 apostles and 20 bishops. Among the newly ordained bishops was Shadreck Lubasi who later became District Apostle. Zacharia Kinyanjui Gathondu, Enos Omutoko Likoko, Peter Gitonga M'Imaria, Hezborn Ayieko Ogada and Dominic Musauli Singi were ordained as Apostles on 28 January 2001 in Nairobi, Kenya by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr In September 2001, Apostle Wilbert Vovak was placed into an honorable and well deserved retirement. The work of God in Kenya was then placed under the care of Apostle William Hammer (USA) who was assisted by many brothers from the USA. They diligently sacrificed and build on the foundation laid earlier by Apostle Vovak.
2002 Shadreck Mundia Lubasi was ordained as an Apostle on 19 May 2002 in Johannesburg, SA by Chief Apostle Richard Fehr.
2004 On 11th April 2004, Chief Apostle Fehr visited Kenya for the third time and retired the Apostle Daniel Njuguna who pioneered the work of God in East Africa.James Aseri Ongae, Peter Jaribu Okubasu, Francis Shida Katana, Henry Romani Muyera and Joseph Marwa Waingare were ordained as Apostles.
2006 In May 2006, Chief Apostle Wilheim Leber visited Kenya for the first time as Chief Apostle. On 13 May he conducted a Youth Service at Kangaru Embu and on Sunday, 14 May, 2006 he conducted a Confirmation Service in South “C” in which 80 young brethren received Confirmation blessings.During this Divine service, Apostle Jackson Kadenge was placed into retirement.
2007 In March 2007, Chief Apostle announced his desire to create more self-sustained district churches in Africa that is: self-governing, self-supporting, and Self-propagating. On 10 November 2007, during a Divine Service by Chief Apostle Wilheim Leber conducted in Dar-es-Salaam, he commissioned Apostle Shadreck Mundia Lubasi as District Apostle Helper for East Africa. He was to assist the District Apostle Richard Freund (USA) in leading the church in the three countries of East Africa namely, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
2009 On 29th March 2009, District Apostle Helper Shadreck Mundia Lubasi was ordained into the District Apostle ministry. TheDistrict Apostle Districtof East Africa was officially created consisting of three countries namely Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and having its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Benard Ogalo Ochieng and Peter Mutisya were ordained as Apostles in the same divine service in Kampala, Uganda by Chief Apostle Wilheim Leber.
2010 On Sunday 7th March 2010, Chief Apostle Wilheim Leber visited Kenya and conducted a divine service in Nairobi at Kasarani Gymnasium. On Monday 8th March 2010 he conducted another divine service in Kisumu at Citam Church auditorium.
2011 Joseph Opemba Ekhuya was ordained as Apostle on 10 February 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda by Chief Apostle Wilheim Leber.
2012 Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber visited Mombasa, Kenya where he conducted a festive divine service on Sunday 19th February 2012. Apostle John Mbiti went into retirement and Apostle Jacob Mulwa Nyamai was ordained as an Apostle.
2013 On 14 July 2013, during a Divine Service by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted in Kampala Uganda, the Chief Apostle commissioned Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya from Kenya as District Apostle Helper. He was to assist the District Apostle Shadreck Lubasi in leading the church in East Africa.
2014 On Friday 27th June 2014, Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider visited Kenya and conducted a divine service in Mwingi Town. On Sunday 29th June 2014 he conducted another divine service in Nairobi at the Kasarani Gymnasium. In the same Divine ServiceJames Kweta Mutinda and David Kilonzo Mwaniki were ordained as Apostles.
2015 Nicholas Oso Lorua and John Njun Sire were ordained as Apostles on 17 April 2015 in Mbeya, Tanzania by Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider. On 19thApril 2015, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a festive divine service in Dodoma, Tanzania in which District Apostle Shadreck Mundia Lubasi went into retirement. District Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya was ordained as District Apostle for East Africa District.
2017 John Were Wesonga, Patrick Baridi Otwo and John Ngaga Diang'a were ordained as Apostles on 30th June 2017 in Thika, Kenya by Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider. On 2nd July 2017, Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider conducted a divine service for the departed at Kabunde hall in Homabay.

Daniel Ooko Ochogo and Cosmas Barasa Wanjala were ordained as Apostles on 15th August 2021 at Jakaya Mrichu Kikwete Conference Centre in Dodoma.

On 17th August 2021, Chief Apostle Jean Luc Schneider conducted a divine service at South C Church in Nairobi.

2022 On 26th February 2022, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service at Kasarani stadium in Nairobi.

Phillip Mbia was ordained as a new Apostle.
2023 On 6th January 2023, Chief Apostle conducted a divine service in Lodwar.

On 8th January 2023, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service at PUEA University in Nairobi.